What is VIBE?

VIBE is a public, K-12 virtual learning program in Southeast Iowa. 

We serve many school districts. Our goal is to be another option to the traditional school model. There really isn’t one way to do school anymore! 

VIBE stands for: Virtual, Innovative, Blended, Exploration

VIBE focuses on bringing a personalized, online learning experience to students, while also offering optional in-person enrichment lessons and activities.  We have three options within the program:

VIBE VIRTUAL:  (Grades K-12) All virtual instruction given synchronously during Google Meetings & asynchronously through assignments on the CANVAS platform.

VIBE FIT: (Grades 9-12) In-person instruction at James Madison Education Center.  Previously called BILA (Burlington Innovative Learning Academy), this option offers smaller class sizes & different learning supports than a traditional high school experience.  

VIBE FLEX: (Grades 9-12)  High School instruction done both through in-person classes at James Madison Education Center &/or Burlington High School or your home school, online through Edgenuity, &/or VIBE CANVAS classes. This really is the “choose your own adventure” option!76ty-8=u9ipk;”>

What makes us different compared to other online programs?

VIBE VIRTUAL is different than other virtual programs in that it is a virtual program with optional in-person learning supports & activities.   All VIBE students have opportunities for in-person activities, including music, art, and PE. VIBE students in grades 9-12 also have more robust in-person options through our VIBE FIT & VIBE FLEX.  

VIBE FIT students take classes in-person at James Madison with smaller classes sizes and academic support. VIBE FIT students also have access to school lunch, in-person PE, and a makerspace (coming 2023-2024!). 

VIBE FLEX is a hybrid option for high school students to create a combination learning experience online and in-person, tailored to your specific needs.

VIBE students may also participate with their resident school for in-person electives & extracurriculars not offered at VIBE, including band, orchestra, choir, and many Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses at their home schools.