Check out what students are doing during in-person activities! 

We’ll try to update this page often! 

In-person Activities are from 1:00-3:00 p.m. each Thursday afternoon. Kids may enjoy PE, Music and Art on any given Thursday.  

ISU Extension 

The Iowa State Extension Office always has such fun activities for our students.  They visit us once per month.  We’ll be adding to this spot after each visit!

Green Iowa

Ms. Sly & Ms. Hall did some wonderful activities with the elemtnary and middle school in-person students.  We learned all about the three Rs” reduce, reuse, recycle. 

Students got to try their hand at papermaking & recylcled jewlery art.   They also got to take a t-shirt home to create a bag from it!

Special guests

From the Burlington Fire Department to Mr. Carper the sound engineer, often we have vistors that make such an impression on us! 

If you know of anyone who may want to share their talents or career with us, please let us know! We’d love to bring in more special guests for students to learn from.

Field Trips

When we can, we like to go out for some adventures! Field trips are a great way to conquer some experiential learning.  We are open to any and all places.

If you know of a location that may be fun for our students, please let us know!

FAT Fridays

Our high school students are so creative! Check out some of the fun they have on Friday afternoons.